Teacher Interviews (Sep. 2020-)
Hori-sensei's Dyeing Class (Nov. 2021-Feb. 2022)
Beginning (May-Jun. 2021)
Tsuzure-Ori (Feb.-Apr. 2021)
Internationality (Nov. 2020-Feb. 2021)
About the School (Jun.-Aug. 2020)
A Look Into Our Classes 1- (Jul. 2020-)
Creative Expression: Lecture by Kanae Tsutsumi
Design Exercise I
Design Exercise II
From the Production Sites of Textiles: Cartoons
Visiting the Graduates: atelier KUSHGUL Yasuko Terada
"Reeling Silk Thread from Cocoons" Yuji Honda
織実習1 綴織 (Japanese blog)
綟織 (Japanese blog)
表現論 中平美紗子さん講義 (Japanese blog)
織実習2 布を織る (Japanese blog)
校外学習 綿花から糸を紡いで織る つちや織物所 (Japanese blog)
北欧の織り (Japanese blog)
表現論 西陣絣加工師・葛西郁子さん工房訪問 (Japanese blog)
表現論 「のの」長友宏江さん(修了生訪問) (Japanese blog)
ディッシュクロス制作 (Japanese blog)
スピニング1 (Japanese blog)
スピニング2 (Japanese blog) 野田凉美アドバイザー講義 (Japanese blog)
みんぱく・上羽陽子先生のニードルワーク授業 1 (Japanese blog)
みんぱく・上羽陽子先生のニードルワーク授業 2 (Japanese blog)
みんぱく・上羽陽子先生のニードルワーク授業 3 (Japanese blog)
天秤機による組織織り (Japanese blog)
(株)川島織物セルコンで緞帳のインターンシップ (Japanese blog)
ホームスパン1 (Japanese blog)
ホームスパン2 (Japanese blog)
表現論 井上唯さん講義 (Japanese blog)
Creative Expression: Lecture by Kanae Tsutsumi
Design Exercise I
Design Exercise II
From the Production Sites of Textiles: Cartoons
Visiting the Graduates: atelier KUSHGUL Yasuko Terada
"Reeling Silk Thread from Cocoons" Yuji Honda
織実習1 綴織 (Japanese blog)
綟織 (Japanese blog)
表現論 中平美紗子さん講義 (Japanese blog)
織実習2 布を織る (Japanese blog)
校外学習 綿花から糸を紡いで織る つちや織物所 (Japanese blog)
北欧の織り (Japanese blog)
表現論 西陣絣加工師・葛西郁子さん工房訪問 (Japanese blog)
表現論 「のの」長友宏江さん(修了生訪問) (Japanese blog)
ディッシュクロス制作 (Japanese blog)
スピニング1 (Japanese blog)
スピニング2 (Japanese blog) 野田凉美アドバイザー講義 (Japanese blog)
みんぱく・上羽陽子先生のニードルワーク授業 1 (Japanese blog)
みんぱく・上羽陽子先生のニードルワーク授業 2 (Japanese blog)
みんぱく・上羽陽子先生のニードルワーク授業 3 (Japanese blog)
天秤機による組織織り (Japanese blog)
(株)川島織物セルコンで緞帳のインターンシップ (Japanese blog)
ホームスパン1 (Japanese blog)
ホームスパン2 (Japanese blog)
表現論 井上唯さん講義 (Japanese blog)
Teacher Interviews (Sep. 2020-)
Yoshiko Nakajima (Spinning) 1/2/3
Emma Omote "Passing on the Skills of Handweaving"
Hirokazu Kondo "Succession -Searching for a Landing Point That Is Just Right"
Fumika Niho "From Interior Design to the World of Weaving"
Emma Omote "Passing on the Skills of Handweaving"
Hirokazu Kondo "Succession -Searching for a Landing Point That Is Just Right"
Fumika Niho "From Interior Design to the World of Weaving"

Hori-sensei's Dyeing Class (Nov. 2021- Feb. 2022)
1 "If the data is non-reproducible, it is better not to have it at all."
2 "The starting point for Kanzome is matching the color perfectly.”
3 "Be careful not to tangle the thread. Haste is waste.”
4 ”In natural dyeing, nothing is a mistake.”
5 ”Remembering the vibrant color”
6 ”I want students to come to like dyeing, and continue.”
Beginning 1-3 (May-Jun. 2021)
1 「はじめの一歩、織りは楽しい!」 (Japanese blog)
2 Interview with Teacher Fumika Niho
3 ウィークリークラス開始「ものづくりがしたいあなたへ」 (Japanese blog)
2 Interview with Teacher Fumika Niho
3 ウィークリークラス開始「ものづくりがしたいあなたへ」 (Japanese blog)
Tsuzure-Ori 1-7 (Feb.-Apr. 2021)
1 What Makes the Tsuzure-Ori (Tapestry Weaving) at KTS Special?
2 Interview with Tsuzure-Ori Teacher Hirokazu Kondo
3 The Group Tapestry Project, The Culmination of a Year of Study
4 Voices From Members of an Overseas Group | Textile Artist Natalie Miller
5 Voices From Members of an Overseas Group | Tasneem Tyebkhan
6 Voices From Members of an Overseas Group | Jenny Gillis
7 Interview with a Graduate | Hsiang Hsuan Chen
2 Interview with Tsuzure-Ori Teacher Hirokazu Kondo
3 The Group Tapestry Project, The Culmination of a Year of Study
4 Voices From Members of an Overseas Group | Textile Artist Natalie Miller
5 Voices From Members of an Overseas Group | Tasneem Tyebkhan
6 Voices From Members of an Overseas Group | Jenny Gillis
7 Interview with a Graduate | Hsiang Hsuan Chen
Internationality 1-10 (Nov. 2020-Feb. 2021)
1 A quiet sustainability much like planting and growing seeds
2 The diverse relationships with weaving
3 Interview with International Students Course Teacher Emma Omote
2 The diverse relationships with weaving
3 Interview with International Students Course Teacher Emma Omote
4 Interviews with Graduates | Tiffany Loy
5 Interviews with Graduates | Zazima Asavesna
6 Interviews with Graduates | Rosa Tolnov Clausen
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